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Jaw tumor Surgeries

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons at our Center evaluate, diagnose and treat the full spectrum of cysts and tumors in and around the jaw and structures of the teeth. These include benign tumors and cysts, which are non-cancerous; those that are aggressive and growing, with the potential to become cancerous; and tumors that are malignant, meaning that they are cancerous. Our oral and maxillofacial surgeons also treat Oral Cancer, severe infections of the oral cavity, salivary glands, jaw and neck.
Symptoms may include:

  • Reddish patches
  • Whitish patches
  • A sore that bleeds easily and does not heal
  • A lump or thickening of the tissues
  • Chronic sore throat or hoarseness
  • Difficulty in chewing or swallowing
  • Burning sensation of oral cavity

There are more chances of developing unusual growth (or) in the mouth and jaw regions than other parts of the body as it’s composed of various types of tissues such as bone, muscles, glands, mucosa (the tissue that covers the cheeks, lips and gums), Blood vessels and Nerves.
Although tumor and cysts of the jaw can affect anyone, a number of risk factors have been identified that increase a person's chance of developing them are tobacco and alcohol use. Others include poor oral hygiene, irritation caused by ill-fitting Dentures, rough surfaces on teeth and poor nutrition etc.
Treatment options for jaw tumors and cysts vary, depending on your symptoms, the type of lesion you have and the lesion's stage of growth. In rare cases, medications may help, but they mostly require surgical intervention.
The growth and removal of facial tumors can affect the soft tissue and bones, altering the shape of your face. After having a tumor removed, you may feel that you don’t look like yourself anymore. Facial reconstructive surgery can help you regain that look that is uniquely yours and improve function within your face.
While making a diagnosis of your jaw tumor or cyst, your oral and maxillofacial surgeon will start by asking about your medical history and conducting a thorough physical examination of your mouth, jaws and teeth.
Diagnosis can be made through various tests such as tissue biopsy and radiological investigations include CT scans, MRI scans of the head and neck.

Treatment will depend on whether your tumor or cyst is at the initial or progressed Our oral and maxillofacial surgeons offer the full range of surgical techniques for pathologies of the jaw that aim to remove the tumor or cyst. In addition to Jaw Surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy also may be recommended for treatment if your tumor is cancerous

Authored By Dr. Vinamra Dhariwal - Dentist, Chennai

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